With the rapidly changing cyber and information privacy landscape combined with the increase in data breaches and security incidents - we recognize the need for an agile team, ready and able to respond swiftly. Our practice group aims to assist clients, particularly those in the financial sector, when a data breach or incident occurs. Our team is able to guide clients through their response with:
Legal and contractual obligations, applicable notifications and monitoring
applicable state and federal laws and regulatory compliance
Forensic Investigations and notifications
Data, systems and software preservation
Coordinating with Insurance Carriers and applicable reporting
Public Relations (Internal & External)
Crisis Management and Mitigation
Our practice group has the capability to respond to various breaches and incidents such as:
Ransomware & Malware
Spoofed & hijacked websites
Denial of Service Attacked (DDos and Dos)
Website & domain name take-downs
Employee errors
Lost and/or mismanaged devices